Cassie & Scott Willmore – photo courtesy of Pastor Scott Willmore
1. How can I grow in my relationship with Jesus?
I believe growing in your relationship with Jesus requires more than just attending church Sunday morning. I think the biblical model of God’s promises to His people and used by Jesus is a great blueprint. First step is accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior (rescued). Once saved, I believe the next step is to be delivered (discipleship). We do this through small groups. Surrounding yourself with the right people to do life with is huge. Third step is to be redeemed — finding your purpose and calling; why God put you here. Learn your spiritual gifts, and take assessments of your personality and talents. Finally, be fulfilled using you gifts, talents, and testimony in service to God’s Kingdom and to walk in His calling for your life. If you do those four things, you will get closer to Christ and your life can’t help but get better.
2. Where does it say people go to Heaven when they die?
Trick question? Contrary to society and new-age trends, all roads don’t lead to Heaven. The Bible is clear on the way to get to Heaven, and the cool thing it is available to everyone. There are several passages, John 5:24, John 3:3, and John 3:16 to name a few. I personally like Romans 10:9-10, because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
3. According to your observations, which doctrines need special emphasis today?
I believe salvation is the key doctrine that needs special emphasis today. Society and the enemy are doing a great job marginalizing Jesus Christ and salvation. Within the Christian community, there is so much disunity and disagreement it has given the “all roads lead to Heaven” voice a toe hold, because it has given room for confusion and frustration. I think America needs a spiritual awakening and needs to get back to putting Christ first and reaching the lost. To reach the lost you have to be outsider focused and reach into the unchurched community as we saw Christ do. Salvation is the first step in God’s plan for our lives, and without the first step, none of the rest matters.
4. What is the most important thing to remember during the Easter holidays?
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and reaching others with that message. Typically, people who don’t come to church regularly come on Christmas and Easter. What a great opportunity to share the story of Christ and the gift He gave and the grace He extends.
5. Why did Jesus have to die and come back to life?
We serve a risen Christ which is the main difference in our belief. Why did He have to die is the question of the ages. Sin has always demanded a sacrifice. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life (Romans 6:23) For us to be in the presence of God in eternity, Jesus had to become that sacrifice. Through his death, he created the opportunity for us to enter into God’s presence. Jesus’ message is unique, because of his decision to sacrifice himself “while we were yet sinners.” In my observations, most religions require a lifetime of service trying to earn their god’s approval, but salvation through Christ is a gift given freely to all those who believe.
6. What do you do to keep the true meaning of Easter alive in your home as well as the church
For some, Easter has often become a religious monument rather than a movement of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. In my home, we openly discuss the true meaning of Easter and the reality of the cross and resurrection. In our church, it’s all about reaching the community with the great news of Christ. We do that through several avenues, but one of my favorites we do is offering a free event called Egg the City, which last year had over 4,000 people. Our goal is, through Easter, to show the love of Christ in our community and invite as many as possible to hear the amazing story of Christ through his death and resurrection and salvation. Our message and everything we do that Sunday is focused on the fact we may only have one shot to let them know about Jesus.
7. Some feel that you need a new Easter Sunday outfit each Easter. What is the reason for this? Is it required to be a part of Easter Sunday?
Nothing like stirring the pot with this one. This answer is going to probably ruffle some feathers, but it’s one I am passionate about. The reason for dressing up on Easter is purely a man-made tradition. A lot of people make it about what you wear, but I believe the Bible clearly shows God is more concerned about the heart than the outward appearance, 1 Samuel 16:7 “..The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” We also find James 2:3-5 & 1 Peter 3:3 talks about it as well. I don’t believe there should be any barriers to anyone coming to church, and there is no dress code found in the Bible. Our church strives on allowing people to come as they are both inside and out. We want to create an environment where people can be who they are, come as they are, realize the purpose God has for their lives, challenge them to become all who God has created them to be constantly, and always be moving toward Him.
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