Credit: Jonathunder – License
Peace family, it’s officially one of my favorite times of year: Advent, when we look towards the celebration of Christ’s birth with expectation and joy in our hearts!
Some of my most nostalgic childhood memories were made while my parents, brothers, and I ate dinner in the sparkling candlelight after singing a special hymn. Each lit candle brought a new song, and new passages to read out loud about the coming of Jesus, the fulfillment of God’s promise for our redemption. The build up of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” “O Come, All Ye Faithful,” “Silent Night,” and “Joy to the World,” really helped put a sense of expectation, faith, and history into my young heart.
Peace family, as we look forward to Christmas and prepare our homes, how can we prepare our hearts? I’d like to encourage you to take some time this week to read some of the Old Testament prophecies written hundreds of years before the coming of Christ, such as Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, and Micah 5:2. Take some time to tap into child-like wonder about the spectacular playing out of God’s plan. Think about the magnitude of what God gifted us with, and Christ coming as a vulnerable baby.
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