Peace family, today is Boss Appreciation Day! How can you bless your boss today?
A lot of times, people in leadership feel like they have to be strong for everyone else, and without much support. It can be lonely, not to mention that it’s difficult to deal with so many people effectively and still get the job done!
Here are a few ideas: Why not bring your boss a coffee to let him know you’re thinking of him? A small cake for her in the break room might be fun. A gift card to a restaurant might be nice. It might even be meaningful to just tell your boss why you appreciate him or her, and that you are thankful for their leadership and your job. The possibilities are endless!
If you don’t really get along with your boss, maybe you can honor your boss today by choosing not to complain about him in the future, focusing on his positive aspects, and praying for him.
We ought to be praying for our leaders whether we like them or not, and praying for your boss is a powerful gift, even if they never find out that you’re praying for them. Pray for their family, health, relationships, for provision, and for wisdom. Again, the possibilities are endless!
Anyway, just a few thoughts from your friendly, neighborhood Kat.
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