Peace family, there’s a special opportunity for men to connect with God and other men (whilst doing manly things) next weekend at the Grace Bible Men’s Retreat. The deadline to sign up is this Sunday (Feb. 1), and Pastor Brad Evans says you won’t want to miss out. (Click below to hear Peace 107’s Brian and Kat […]
Courageous Grandparenting
Peace family, grandparents have such a powerful role to play in the encouraging and teaching of younger generations, but they often get overlooked. This Saturday (January 31), Zion Church in Kurten wants to equip you to be powerful and courageous, and make a positive difference in the lives of your grandchildren. Peace 107’s Brian and […]
Feeling Anxious?
Peace family, what do you do when you feel anxious? This morning, for no obvious reason, I suddenly felt very anxious: a tight feeling in my chest and a cloudiness in my mind with a sense of creeping dread, like you might have gotten as a child when a huge school project was on the horizon and you weren’t even […]
Sunshiney Day!
Peace family, I don’t really have anything profound to say today, but I do want to say that it’s beautiful outside! If you can, make time today to briefly unplug and enjoy it. It’s been quite a while since the sun was out, and it’s been so cold, that I haven’t spent much time outdoors […]
Having A Clean and Peaceful Home
Peace family, we want your 2015 to be a wonderful year, and something that can really help is the quality of peacefulness and organization in your home. Holly Southerland is a professional organizer with all kinds of great tips to simplify your life and get your home looking and functioning in its best way (and […]
Seminar: Investing Your Retirement in God’s Kingdom
Peace family, do you want to know better ways to use your retirement time, talents and treasures for the glory of God? Associate Pastor David Strawn for First Baptist Church College Station says they are offering a seminar this Saturday (January 10), which will start at 10 a.m. and last until about 3 p.m. He […]
New Year, New You
Peace family, do you need a little encouragement for your New Year’s resolutions? If you have goals that are health or fitness related, manager Greg Dietz from the Bodylab Crossfit Bryan has some great tips. First off, Greg says to bring someone along with you for the ride, whether they share your goal and work […]
Praise Opportunity: New Year’s Eve Celebration
Peace family, if you love to worship God through praise music, there is an opportunity for you to join in the New Year’s Eve celebration fundraiser at Assemblage of Praise Church, located at 1406 UrsulineAvenue in Bryan. This is the second leg of their holiday fund drive to support BVCASA, Feed the Homeless and the […]
Ministry: Books and a Blanket
Peace family, reading is such a special part of childhood for so many of us. How would you like the chance to help make books available to local kids who otherwise might not have the opportunity to read at home? Books and a Blanket was started by two local girls, sisters Harper and Maggie, who […]
Headphone Wearing Snowman
This is the perfect Christmas tree ornament for radio people! We have to wear headphones while on the air to hear ourselves talk. You see, when you turn on the microphone the speakers mute so there is no feedback. So it is silent in the control room while we talk. We have to wear headphones […]
Recipe: Leek and Potato Soup
Peace family, it’s not cold today, but it’s going to get cold tonight, so here’s something to help you keep warm! Leek and potato soup isn’t very well known in Texas, but back when I used to live in the U.K., it was pretty popular, and with good reason! It tastes similar to French Onion […]
“Where Is The King?” Original Production
Peace family, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Christmas, do you ever find that we lose focus of Jesus, the King, the whole purpose of our celebrations? Pastor Russell Reed of Assemblage of Praise Church and his wife, Carol, want to help bring Christ into focus this weekend at a live production […]
In the Peace 107 Studio
Hi Peace Family! Have you ever been in the Peace 107 Studio? Here is a photo of Jami Mayberry in December 2014 in our studio. Notice our mural on the wall. It’s so nice to see it every day when entering the studio. It reminds us of the peace we hope to share with you […]
Ministry: Kanakuk Kamps
Peace family, Kanakuk Ministries have been around since 1926, and Peace 107 had the chance to attend a luncheon with a presentation about a new project they are doing. In college, Kat had friends who worked as counselors at the Kanakuk and KAA (Kids Across America, a program that specifically ministers to inner-city kids) camps, so […]
Recipe: Salmon Patties
Peace family, this isn’t seasonal, but I thought it might be fun to share my salmon patty recipe with you! It’s very simple, and I made some this week with my friend Heidi. It is definitely a comfort food, at least with my family! Mix 1/4 cup of cornmeal, 1 egg, and one tall […]
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