photo courtesy of Lights of Tejas
I realize that baby Jesus probably was not born in the winter time, but I have grown up celebrating the season of His birth in heavy coats and stocking caps with Jack Frost nipping at my nose. I also understand that Scripture gives us no indication of the number of wise men who brought gifts to honor the Holy Child, but “We Three Kings” is still one of my very favorite carols of Christmas. Finally, I know beyond all doubt that the occasion of Jesus’ birth was the advent of the most unbelievable and undeserved gift ever given. Not the beginning of God’s plan, but the arrival of holy, sinless God with us, veiled in the flesh that would grow up to serve as the perfect, unblemished sacrifice for the whole lot of we wretched sinners who deserve nothing more than instantaneous and everlasting destruction.
As the secular, material world encroaches ever further into the awesome, holy, quiet of the sacred season, it has only become that much more important for our family to focus on and proclaim the true and breathtaking basis for the observation of the events (and The Event) of Christmas. That Jesus, the magnificent Agent of Creation, would lay aside His glory and take on this rough and fallen flesh is unbelievable enough. That He would then allow we sinful, selfish mortals to lay our filthy hands on Him and brutalize and kill Him, all to satisfy God’s deserved wrath for OUR sin, is almost too much to grasp.
With all the commercial hubbub competing for the attention of our family, of course it is MOST vital that we stand ready to substitute the truth of Christmas for the commercial holiday advertised by the world. Jesus, as He said, came not to be served, but to serve. The opportunity afforded our family to volunteer during Lights of Tejas is just that — a precious opportunity, to serve, to love, to emulate, and imitate our dear Savior. To help enable those visiting Camp Tejas to experience not just the Christmas story, but also the Gospel story — perhaps for the first time — is a privilege and an honor, and far too easy labor when it comes right down to it.
Because we love the Lord Jesus Christ, we love Camp Tejas, we love serving there, and volunteering during Lights of Tejas brings all of that together in a wonderful experience of God’s love, joy, and peace. It took us far too long to discover it, and we have no intention of discontinuing our volunteer service during Lights of Tejas for as long as we are allowed on the property, and for as long as God lends us breath.
Giddings’ Lights of Tejas will be celebrating its fifth year beginning the Friday after Thanksgiving, as it transforms the entire campground into an amazing Christmas lights show. All are invited to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas at the birthday party for Jesus. Your family will delight in the presentation of the Gospel and how Jesus coming to the earth has changed everything. For more information about the Lights of Tejas please visit www.lightsoftejas.com or call 979.366.2422.
by Jerry Tennison
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