The beautiful bride!
Hi Peace Family, Jami Mayberry here and I have a story to tell you about God’s grace. Years ago when my brother and his wife divorced, I begged her to let me stay in my niece and nephew’s life. I had so much love to give them and I didn’t agree with my brother’s choices. Their mother, Mary, graciously said, “Hey, the more people that love my children the better!” and all these years I have watched them grow into adults. It has been a very sweet part of my life.

My nephew… isn’t he tall?
Last weekend I flew to Seattle, WA to attend my niece’s wedding and I am so glad I went. I was the only Mayberry there. She told me how much it meant to her that someone from the ‘other’ side of the family had come. As I watched her walk down the aisle on the arm of her mother I cried. I cried for how beautiful she was. I cried for what a good job her mom had done all by herself raising her. And I cried for my brother who missed walking his daughter down the aisle by the choices he made. My heart was overwhelmed with emotions.
My nephew has gone from a little boy to a 6’4″ young adult. It’s amazing. He is taller than his father now. And a foot taller than me! Boy did the years fly by. Kids grow up so fast.

Me and my sister-in-law
But the biggest reason I was there was because of my sister-in-law, their mother. She let me stay a part of their lives even though she was hurt and mad at my brother. That has been a remarkable act of grace and kindness. Here we are with our biggest smiles on for the happy day full of family. Even a Mayberry in the group!
Grace. A simple act of grace that changed my life and her children’s lives. You see, when my parents divorced my own mother kept us kids away from all of my dad’s side of the family out of anger and resentment. Our whole childhood. And who suffered? Us kids. It wasn’t until I was older that I really got to know the Mayberry family. They are wonderful people and I missed so much. So I knew I wanted to stay involved in their lives as ‘Auntie Jami’ especially as they grew up. By God’s grace, and a mother’s loving heart, I got that chance.
I just want to encourage you to put aside all bitterness and hate and do what’s best for your kids. I have lived both sides of that coin and I can tell you without a doubt, that the grace side is much better for everyone. God is faithful and good!
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