Peace family, do you ever feel isolated? Are you feeling alone right now?
I think we all feel isolated sometimes. We start to wonder why we bother sharing our hearts or troubles because no one seems to care. We start to feel like we don’t matter to anyone. We grow tired and bitter about super friendly people who tell us they’d love to have coffee or hang out, but then never respond to any of our multiple texts or calls.
Peace family, are you going through any of those things right now? Do any of them sound familiar?
Maybe you feel isolated in your family; maybe you have different values from them, and they look down on you.
Maybe you feel isolated at your job or school; it seems like everyone else is on the inside track, included in the jokes and activities, but you feel pushed to the outside.
Maybe you feel isolated at your church; everyone has their own problems so you don’t want to share yours, you feel like you don’t measure up in some way or look put-together enough, most people don’t notice when you’re missing, or they shut you out if you open up to share your pain and brokenness.
Maybe you feel isolated socially. Whether because of your work or school schedule, the season of life that you are in, your culture, or a problem or disability, you feel unable to connect with friends on a deep level, or possibly unable to connect on any level. Maybe you’re new to town and have had trouble meeting anyone.
If you feel any or all of these kinds of isolation, please, do not despair. You are not alone. Our God is a friend to the friendless, a father to the orphan, and a comforter to the widowed. God loves you, even if it’s hard to feel his love through other people right now. Don’t give up on reaching out or meeting people, even though it takes energy. If there aren’t people to talk with right now, talk to God. I am praying for you right now, Peace Family! Know that you’re not alone, and you are loved!
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