Peace family, when was the last time you were reminded that people are made in God’s image?
My Sunday school class was reading from Genesis when I was reminded, and it really refreshed my perspective and desire to treat others with dignity. Yes, your friends are made in God’s image. Your neighbor is made in God’s image. Your parents are made in God’s image. That politician you can’t stand? Made in God’s image. That celebrity making poor choices? Also made in God’s image. Even the people who hurt you are made in God’s image, even though they are not doing God’s will when they hurt you.
Let that be an encouragement to treat people more graciously, including yourself. Do you talk badly about yourself? Do you hate certain parts of your body? Do you call yourself bad names? Guess what? You are made in God’s image, too. God doesn’t want you to treat yourself or others cruelly.
None of us are perfect, but God’s love for us is greater than understanding or explanation. Even if others leave you feeling undervalued, you are his precious creation, and he made you to take after him, so be encouraged! No matter what you look like, you are beautiful to him, and you are worth so much to him that he let his son die to rescue you. That’s a pretty high price, and something to respect!
Anyway, just a few thoughts from your friendly, neighborhood Kat.
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