One afternoon I was feeling particularly crafty and started making a string/friendship bracelet for my then seven-year-old daughter. It was extremely complicated, but I was getting the hang of it and was nearly done. However, after an hour of working, I made one wrong move, lost track of where I was, and messed it up beyond hope.
It upset me so much that I sat quietly with my head in my hands. Then, a small hand slid a note across the kitchen counter. “I love you more than a bracelet.” My daughter had scribbled this on a scrap of lined notebook paper. I hugged her as my heart overflowed with gratitude.
Boy, did that note put things in perspective! It made me stop and realize how often I get busy with things that I think are SO important when really, the thing that actually matters is sitting right in front of me.
Which begs the question: How many times in our lives are we busy with things that don’t matter while God waits quietly on the sidelines, waiting for us to pay attention to him?
“I love you MORE,” He whispers in our ears, pushing His note (the Bible) into our hands. Do we see? Do we notice? Do we even look up from whatever we’re doing?
Take a moment to focus on what’s most important the next time you feel caught up in the whirlwind of stress and life.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34).