Peace family, are we letting our lives reflect the truth and love that God values? Sometimes, humor can be a tricky area.
A friend and I recently shared some frustrations about an atmosphere of sarcastic, mocking humor in a certain circle of our mutual friends.
As a society, we tend to laugh when people do stupid things that injure or punish them for their stupid actions. Sometimes, we even laugh at people who don’t know God and are therefore upset or crying over things that are not valuable because their perspective is off. Spend a few minutes on Youtube, or google the Darwin awards, and you will see that this is true!
However, as believers in Christ, we should never take joy and pleasure from the misery, the pain, or the foolishness of the lost. That is absolutely not the heart of God. God hates death. He hates cruelty. He hates false perspective and the belief of lies. He hates pain and misery.
Before we share something with others, whether in person or on social media, let’s be disciplined to ask ourselves: Is it kind? Is it truthful? I’m not saying that we should cut all silliness out of our lives, but keeping love and truth in our humor is important to consider.
The Bible says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8) Let’s allow God and his truth to purify the way that we experience and describe the world.
Let’s reflect the truth and love of God in our lives in everything, even in where we find our humor.
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