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by JoAn Majors
When you walk through the department stores, grocery stores, or any mall this time of year, do you wonder if there’s room for Christ in Christmas anymore? Many times it appears to be about boxes, bows, big gifts, and fancy décor. As a mom I know that it is critical that our large family remember exactly what this season is about — the one we celebrate not be a jolly old guy and what he brings us, but a risen Christ and what we bring Him. Do you bring honor to Christ at Christmas?
As a mother, I wouldn’t dream of honoring or celebrating one of our children’s birthdays without their input. Including what makes our child happy is an important part of “their” special day — perhaps it is a favorite activity, gift, trip, or meal. It goes the same for a parent or spouse. Then why in the world, would we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, without considering what matters most to Him? Keeping Christ in Christmas should be intentional in our homes and in our holidays. I too, love giving gifts and decorating, but at the beginning and end of every day during those special holidays, we are intentionally thankful for the birth and gift of Christ. After all, “Jesus is the reason for the season!”
As you prepare for the holiday, make plans for how you will keep Christ in Christmas. Perhaps, it is a Christmas ornament with one to three small ribbons on the end. Place one ornament per plate at a meal. Each person passes around a beautiful dish and places their ornament in the dish (which begins and ends as part of the centerpiece), they share one to three things or instance’s (based on the number of ribbons on the ornament) that they are thankful for in the past year. This is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV, in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Share the verse or place it in calligraphy or a nice graphic on the container(s) the ornaments are held in.
Another option with younger children is to have small stockings throughout the house. You can purchase small stockings or have the kids make them. Place them throughout your home on cabinet knobs and in any areas where guests are. Inside the stockings there are $1 and $2 bills. At the table, each person opens his or her stocking (close with Velcro, cute buttons, or double sided tape) and shares an example(s) of “Christ like love” they have offered or experienced, one or two based on their surprise gift. The younger kids are so excited, and their sweet stories will make everyone smile! Based on 1 Corinthians 13:13 KJV, But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. Family and guests bring at least one to the table for meal(s). The kids are happy to share more than once from the excitement of the prize.
There is no right or wrong way to keep Christ in Christmas, just the intention to do so. You can be as creative as you want to be when rediscovering how blessed we are to have the birth of Christ to celebrate. It is such a special season, and many times we are with family and friends we don’t see as often, so keeping the focus on Christ keeps us joyful and content with the moments that matter. Moments that matter help us keep Christ in Christmas.
JoAn Majors is a professional speaker and published author. Her articles have appeared in over 25 magazines and newsletters. She is a member of the National Speakers Association, Global Speakers Network, and International Speakers Network. She also assists in the marketing of her husband’s Bryan/College Station dental practice, MajorSmiles.com. JoAn is happiest being mom, nanny, sister, or honey to her family. To learn more about having her speak to your group visit www.joanmajors.com or call 866.51.CHOICE. The Time is Now, The Choice is Yours! (JoAn gives back equivalent to 20 percent of her total in speaking fees per year in gratis work for local groups.)
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