One of my Bibles, a Bible that is divided up into dates so that you can read the whole thing in a year.
Peace family, one of the amazing things about the internet is that we can communicate with people all across the world. However, sometimes we can still feel alone in our faith.
A friend of mine was in a country last week, where it is not safe to talk about Jesus, and almost impossible to find and purchase a Bible. If you live in a country like that, I just want to encourage you that you are not forgotten! You are not alone. There are people in other parts of the world who are praying for you. There are people who are trying to organize and get scripture to you, or even translate it so that you can read it in your own language. There are people recording audio versions, so that you can listen online. There are websites where you can find it, if they are not blocked. I know you already know this, but I wanted to encourage you that God is still God, whether or not you are supported in your country, and whether or not you are supported by your family!
The fact is, God is still God, whether we or our societies acknowledge it or not. Jesus’ ministry and sacrifice is still what saves us. His power is not diminished by our opinions of him. He is honored by your love for him. He sees how you feel, and he is with you in your heartaches and your struggles. He will not leave you as an orphan. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. You also have family all around the word. Your brothers and sister who also believe in Jesus are out here, even if you do not see any of us very often. We are not perfect, but we love God, we trust him, and we want to please him, just like you do.
Please, be encouraged today, and remember that you have family everywhere. You are not alone. I am looking forward to meeting you some day in Heaven! In the meantime, be encouraged. In John 16:33, Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Hang in there. You are going to make it!
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