Peace family, what are you looking forward to? What can you do to add some fun to your life?
I have many things that I am looking forward to right now! Besides some Christmas presents that I am sewing and trying to get finished before the end of the month, I just planned a fun movie night with friends and crock-pot pulled pork sliders, as well as signed up to volunteer backstage at Ballet Brazos’ production of The Nutcracker! I know those things aren’t to everyone’s taste (especially the ballet), but I was so excited when I found out about getting to work back stage, that I danced all around my house to music from The Nutcracker! (Dancing in The Nutcracker is on my bucket list, and I think about it every year, so this is one step closer to marking that off.) Peace family, it has been a very fun month so far!
I want to encourage you that if you feel like you are in a rut, with nothing fun to look forward to, that it’s time to plan something! It could be as simple as a family movie night (even a combined family movie night!), or seeking out a tutorial in something you love. Local craft stores often offer classes, and there are usually special offers and activities at local gyms, sometimes even the library. There are also local sports groups, writers’ groups, dance classes, martial arts, and gardening groups. There are also many ministries in need of volunteers!
If you feel dull and uninspired, so caught up in a routine that you don’t even remember what you enjoy, maybe it’s time to take this weekend to rest! Think back to the things that you enjoyed as a kid, and revisit some of them. It can be surprising how we forget about the things that we love, but I have had this happen to me personally. It’s such a delight when I start doing something that I enjoyed again! God designed you with your special joys and tastes. Let’s praise him and enjoy some of those things! Here’s hoping you find something to look forward to this weekend!
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