I had the joy of working on the Morning Show in Madison, WI for over 10 years. Eight of those 10 years were with Brian Christopher. What started out as a normal Tuesday became the most memorable day for both of us – September 11, 2001.
And I remember it well.
Every year on this day… I go back. I can still hear the confusion, fear and anger in the news anchors. I hear the same confusion, fear and anger in our callers. I feel that weird ominous twist in the pit of my stomach. I remember praying – silently screaming, “God! What is going on?!” And just as fear wanted to take over – the God of the universe said, “You need to remind people that I’m still here, that I haven’t changed, that I still love them and want them to have My hope and peace.”
What an honor to be able to pray on the air with thousands of listeners who were just as shocked as we were. How humbling to have callers thank us for being there and reminding them that God will see us through anything.
One young mother called and told us that she hadn’t heard the news yet. She had gotten her young kids buckled into their seats and turned the radio up. She then had to run back into the house for something. When she came back, her little ones were sitting in their seats with their hands folded and their eyes closed. She asked them what they were doing and they said, “They said on the radio that we need to pray!”
What a privilege to be a small, peaceful part of a memory… of a day that is burned in our memories forever.
– Annie Nance
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