It’s that time of year when many of us go through our homes and start simplifying, trying to decide what would make good yard sale fodder. I’ve spent the last few months trying to get rid of clutter, and it’s crazy how much you can accumulate, especially if you have trouble letting go of things that are sentimental! It seems like I hold onto many things because I am afraid of losing the memories, but I’m learning that sometimes, it’s ok to just let things go.
It’s also hard when you have a bunch of other people’s junk to deal with. When I moved into my house, besides my own stuff, there was garbage, old food, and even old Christmas decorations left over from the previous owners. Around the same time, my grandfather died, and many of his unfinished projects were passed onto me to complete because I am good with mechanics. They were not bad projects, but they were energy and time-consuming things that I had never intended to do. Combine those with broken things of my own that need fixing, as well as random bits that I’ve picked up off the street for art projects, and you get a pretty intimidating mess!
Peace family, it’s a fresh, new month, and it’s a great time to evaluate what God wants us to let go of. Sometimes we carry our pain, our disappointment, and bitterness from the past. Sometimes other people put burdens or expectations on us that were never intended for us, or involve us in their own bad choices and drama. Sometimes, we pick up bits of truth here and there, but some things, even if they sound good, aren’t biblical and turn out to just be garbage.
This weekend, let’s both ask ourselves: What’s holding me back from a closer relationship with God? And what have I picked up that I need to let go of?
Anyway, just a few thoughts from your friendly neighborhood Kat.
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