I was noticing how several cities have the phrase “Keep Portland Weird” or “Keep Austin Weird” as part of their identity. It made me think of Christians. We are not of this world…we are passing through. Our home is with Jesus and our Father in heaven. So, therefore, many people may think Christians are weird. We act weird, we dress weird, we just ARE weird. And I am absolutely fine with that. I don’t WANT to be conformed to this world. I want to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, because by that I am showing what is the will of God; the good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)So if that means that some people may consider me weird then so be it! I would rather be acceptable in the sight of God than in the sight of man.
Most of my life I have wanted to fit in and be a part of groups or crowds. I think that is human nature. We all want to belong. So there is some people-pleasing behavior that goes along with that. It wasn’t until I hit my 40s that I began to be at total peace with others not liking me or thinking I was weird. It used to really bother me. But not anymore. Especially after my cancer diagnosis and surviving treatment and all that goes with that. I am just the way God made me to be and I am His child.
As Dr. Seuss says, “…no one can be you-er than you.” So my thoughts for you today are to relax and be who God created you to be. You are valuable and precious to him and worth more than all the gold in this world. He is glorified every time someone thinks you are different or weird. Because the Holy Spirit living in anyone’s heart makes them different and makes them stand out. Don’t take it personally. It’s not about you, it’s about God and His work in you.
So rejoice in the work that the Father is doing in your life and spirit and, for heaven’s sake, stay weird! We love you, Peace Family!
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