Peace family, I don’t really have anything profound to say today, but I do want to say that it’s beautiful outside! If you can, make time today to briefly unplug and enjoy it.
It’s been quite a while since the sun was out, and it’s been so cold, that I haven’t spent much time outdoors in what feels like a long time. Today, I had to leave my car at the mechanic’s, so I walked to and from work, and goodness! It was so refreshing!
When you’re walking intentionally, there’s not much you can do besides enjoy the moment. Looking at your phone is counter-productive (and potentially hazardous) and the wind would make it difficult to talk. I had to walk with just myself and God, and it was nice to get away from all the hustle, even for that little amount of time.
So… that being said, I hope you can enjoy this day as much as I did! Walk with a friend, walk with your kids, walk alone, make it a quiet time or a prayer time, have a picnic in your yard: it doesn’t matter. Just stop reading this blog and take a five minute break to go outside! Anyway, just a few thoughts from your friendly, neighborhood Kat.
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