United Way is proud to announce that they have achieved their annual fundraising campaign’s goal of raising $1.5 million for the Brazos Valley for the 2021-22 Campaign.
Follow the Leader, Lead the Follower
When we see or hear of a “great” person, we hardly know of the trials they had to overcome to achieve this “greatness.” Let’s face it, no “great” person made themselves. Their character and wisdom are gained through decades of hard lessons or being humble and teachable. As Christians, we are called to have wise […]
Keeping Tradition While Keeping With the Times
The saying “the only thing constant is change” definitely rings true when it comes to attracting the younger generation to church every Sunday. LifeWay research found that 70 percent of young adults ages 23 to 30 stopped attending church regularly for at least a year between ages 18 to 22. As far as in Bryan/College […]
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