Isaiah 1:18 …Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow…

God knows I learn better with pictures. Do visuals help you learn His truths? A few years ago He gave me this visual…
I had experienced a couple of really hard days and was in need of one of those pictures! Tired, I crawled into bed, turned on my favorite worship mix and closed my eyes.
I saw Jesus sitting on a bench. I didn’t see His upper body or His feet… just His lap. He was wearing His pure white robe, the same robe I always picture Him in. I smiled and sat down next to Him. All that was in my view was His lap and my lap next to each other.
I was admiring His white robe and I looked at mine and it was white too. I squinted a little, tilted my head and, of course, I had to argue that point. I started to imagine smudges on my robe. I even said to Jesus, “After all we both know I’m not perfect…” and He stopped me. A question hung in the air. Again I tried to say, “Well, you have to admit… (I was thinking about my sins)” and He stopped me again… with the same question… with a smile to His voice, “Oh really?” I gasped! My eyes popped open as I realized what He was trying to tell me! That’s what He did on the cross… and He did it completely… I’m forgiven! I’m clean!
I closed my eyes again and looked back at our laps… they were still next to each other. I smiled as I felt His arm around me. My robe is as pure white as Jesus’ robe.
That’s what “It is finished” meant!! How cool is that?! How white is that?!
- Annie Nance
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