Peace family, do you feel like you are having to wait for something?
If you do, I just want to encourage you that God is with you and continuing to work behind the scenes, even as you wait, and even if it seems like nothing’s going on.
Sometimes, I need a reminder of that myself. The recent weather got me thinking about God working behind the scenes. Sometimes winter lasts a very long time, so long that you start to wonder whether or not spring will ever come, but it still does!
I planted a lot of seeds and bulbs yesterday. I took care of the soil, I watered the seeds, and I found them a sunny place inside my house. Now, all I can do is wait! Some of them might take one week to sprout, and some might take three weeks, but there’s nothing I can do to make the seeds germinate any faster. It is all up to God, now.
Sometimes, our lives are like that. All we can do is be faithful to do what we can, and wait on God to do the rest.
If you feel like you are having to wait, take heart. God is still in control, even when we don’t see anything but the bare soil. Anyway, just a few thoughts from your friendly, neighborhood Kat.
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