Peace family, what’s on your mind today?
We’ve just started our second full week of the new year, and with so many goals and restarts, sometimes it can get a little overwhelming. Today, I want to invite you to take at least five minutes to just sit and talk to God.
Remember that you are valued by him. You are his child, and his treasure. He cares about the your personal heartaches. He has a plan for your life, even on the days when you are tempted to feel forgotten or hurt.
Let the ways that you serve others gush out of the love that He has for you. I know that’s a lot easier said than done. I’m often guilty of doing the right thing or taking care of people because I am afraid of disappointing God, or invoking his anger. I also do things out of the fear of disappointing or angering other people. Instead, let’s both focus so much on the love that God has for us, his grace, mercy, generosity and salvation, that we can’t help but love those around us because of it.
Peace family, you are loved! Remember it today. Talk with your family and friends about the times that God has rescued you, changed you, and provided for you. Read the Bible and do a google search for scriptures that show God’s love for you. Pray, thanking God for all that he has done, is doing, and is going to do, think about how wonderful he is, and honestly lay your longings before him. May you be refreshed and uplifted this week!
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