Peace family, I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but I want you to know that you are doing a good job.
Even if today is already hard for you, even if you are already feeling heavy, you are alive and you are going to make it. God has a plan for your life, and he woke you up today with that in mind. You are doing a good job at being alive.
When Christ is in your life and you are focused on him, you can’t help but make the world a more beautiful and loving place. The more deeply that you experience his love, the more easily you will be able to express it to those around you. Hang in there, and keep up the good work, because you have a unique part to play. There are people around you to whom you need to give love, and people around you from whom you need to receive love. Be authentic, even though you aren’t perfect, and don’t let your suffering be wasted.
Don’t be ashamed to be a trophy of God’s mercy and grace.
Anyway, just a few thoughts from your friendly, neighborhood Kat.
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