At times, I think it would be nice if I could make time stand still… to just extend the time with whatever awesome thing Jesus has placed in my life at that moment. But since I can’t, I take pictures… as reminders… like the Israelites stacking stones in the wilderness. Pictures are something I can […]
New Every Morning
A few years ago I had the privilege of staying with my daughter and her new family after my youngest grandson was born. It was a sudden and very difficult delivery. He was about 5 weeks early and his early days were a bit scary. I was able to stay with them for a couple […]
That’s love
It wasn’t until after I had kids of my own that Christmas took on a deeper meaning. The holiday now conjures up thoughts of how Mary and Joseph felt as expectant parents, new parents and parents learning to let their kids go… Did either of them even have a clue what was in store for […]
Grateful in all things?
The day was November 26th, 2014… it was the day before Thanksgiving. I was compiling a list of things for which to be thankful. 2014 was the year my then-husband had decided life would be better with someone else, my father passed away and I lost a job I’d had for 22 years. Yeah, rough […]
Encouragement for Parents
Hi Peace Family, it’s Ann from the Peace 107 Morning Show. I recently read an article by Gina Smith that truly lifted my heart. My kids are all adults now, but I still have doubts about how I did as a parent. I KNOW that most of these worries are just the enemy attempting to […]
Peace 107’s Praise & Shine
Join Peace 107 Sunday mornings from 6 to 10 for “Praise & Shine”! Uplifting Music and encouraging messages. It’s the uplifting way to start your Sunday morning! “Praise & Shine” is brought to you by Trevino-Smith Funeral Home in Bryan.
How about a mini-vacation…?
Hi Peace family, this is Ann from the Peace 107 Morning Show. Are you feeling achy, irritable, emotional, tired?! I read an article recently that said it’s probably not our bodies that are tired, but our souls. It was written from a secular stance but had some very spiritual truths in it. Some remedies suggested […]
Aggies, we think you’ll LOVE Trump the Longhorn!
Meet Trump the Longhorn! This beautiful fur-baby became famous this week when his “mom” posted a picture of Trump the Longhorn enjoying some Blue Bell Ice Cream! Unlike a certain person who put some ice cream back in the store freezer after sampling, Trump’s creamy treat was paid for before he sampled it and gave […]
Home-going of my “Third Mom”
The friends we make when we’re young never stop being friends even when life takes them far away. I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin and am still friends with so many from the early years of school through high school. One such family was the Conrow family. The 3 oldest kids were […]
I Made It 5 Years Cancer Free!!
Peace Family you have been a huge part of my journey with cancer and I wanted to share with you the good news…As of January 28th, 2019 I am now 5 years cancer free! Here’s a picture of my doctor, Kathleen Schmeler and I at my check up a week ago. I began working for […]
“Melting Away the Years”
The spring of 2015 I had the opportunity to take a long, much needed road trip. Just me, my Jeep and Jesus! Along the way I visited friends and family. Early in April, I left my Aunt Bobbie’s house well rested and lighthearted. It was such a delightful and fun time with her and some […]
That’s Really White!!
Isaiah 1:18 …Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow… God knows I learn better with pictures. Do visuals help you learn His truths? A few years ago He gave me this visual… I had experienced a couple of really hard days and was in need of one of those […]
God’s Speaking, Am I Listening?
Annie Nance – In 2007 I was working at a radio station in Madison, WI. The network was doing some “downsizing”, and it was pretty stressful. The workload was increasing, was having trouble with my (then) 19-year-old and our church was experiencing some major spiritual warfare. In October of that year, I had to drive up to […]
Old Pictures
Peace Family one of the joys of holidays is going through old photos and remembering. Once you stop laughing at this one, I will tell you it’s my 2nd Grade picture. I was 8 years old. It wasn’t pretty…I was losing baby teeth, forgot my socks that day and my mom pulled my hair […]
The Joy of Missing Out
From a young age most of us have what is called a Fear Of Missing Out or FOMO. When we’re young we yearn to be older and when we’re single we yearn to be married and on and on it goes. Now that we are in this tech-dependent world it’s hard not to check your […]
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